WeightPro 是一个 c++ 3ds Max 插件,用于自动、快速和平滑的蒙皮修改器加权,无论网格的拓扑结构是好的还是杂乱的。
它使用 GPU 对带有骨架的网格进行体素化,以计算骨骼和顶点之间的最短距离。它允许您在实时摆姿势时进行调整。
适用于 3ds Max 版本:2013(64 位)、2014、2015、2016、2017、2018、2019、2020、2021、2022、2023、2024。
v2.0 中的新功能: –
- 复制对称对象上的骨骼设置
- 完全多线程计算
- 每个模块都是 64 位的,没有内存限制 –
- 一些较小的改进
What’s new in v2.0:
-clamp furthermost weights
-copy bones settings on symmetrical objects
-fully multithreaded calculations
-each module is 64-bit without memory limits
-a few bugs fixed
-a few smaller improvements
WeightPro is a c++ 3ds Max plugin for automatic, fast and smooth Skin modifier weighting, no matter if the mesh has good or messy topology.
It voxelizes the mesh with the skeleton using GPU to calculate the shortest distances between bones and vertices. It allows you to make adjustments during posing in realtime.
After that you can delete the plugin from the scene and from now the skinned object is ready to use by everyone without the plugin.
Available for 3ds Max versions: 2013 (64-bit), 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.