Masks to Cropped Layers II 是一个适用于具有多个蒙版的图层的实用程序。
图层上的每个蒙版都用于创建一个仅包含 1 个蒙版的新图层。新层可以是实体层或预复合层。
裁剪图层的蒙版有两个主要用途:作为对矢量图稿(尤其是从 Illustrator 粘贴的图稿)进行动画处理的工具,同时也作为提高 VFX 工作性能的工具。在这两种情况下,目标都是通过创建所需大小的图层/预合成来提高 After Effects 的性能。通过缩小图层大小以删除未使用的区域,After Effects 不会浪费时间处理未使用的像素。
如果您正在对矢量图稿进行动画处理,则脚本会将单个图层上的多个蒙版分离为单个实体。然后,每个新图层都可以应用描边/填充效果,并像任何其他传统 After Effects 图层一样进行动画处理。
如果您正在进行视觉特效工作,例如动态观察、清理、跟踪或任何仅限于图版小区域的工作,那么您可以遮罩您正在处理的区域,脚本将制作新的预合成,并裁剪为遮罩尺寸。使用这些预合成作为效果工作的来源会更快,并为您提供更长的 RAM 预览。
- 裁剪图层 II 的蒙版现在允许您使用基本矩形(快速)或贝塞尔路径(较慢但像素精确)来计算蒙版尺寸。
- 您可以根据单个帧、合成工作区域或图层的持续时间来计算蒙版大小。
- 如果未选择任何蒙版,则将使用图层上的所有蒙版。如果您手动选择一些蒙版,则只有它们用于创建新图层。
- 脚本面板包括两个按钮,用于快速选择所有打开或所有关闭的蒙版。
- 新图层的大小可以填充,并且位置值可以四舍五入为整数以获得更清晰的结果。
Masks to Cropped Layers II is a utility for layers that have multiple masks.
Each mask on the layer is used to create a new layer with only 1 mask on it. The new layers can be either solids or pre-comps.
When creating the new solid / pre-comp, the size of the mask is calculated and the new layer is cropped to that size.
Masks to cropped layers has two main purposes: as a tool for animating vector artwork, especially artwork pasted from Illustrator, but also as a tool to improve performance for VFX work. In both cases, the goal is to improve performance in After Effects by creating layers / precomps that are only as big as they need to be. By cropping layers down in size to remove unused areas, After Effects isn’t wasting time processing pixels that aren’t used.
If you are animating vector artwork, then the script separates multiple masks on a single layers to individual solids. Each new layer can then have the stroke / fill effect applied, and animated like any other conventional After Effects layer.
If you are doing VFX work such as rotoscoping, clean-ups, tracking, or anything that’s confined to a small area of the plate, then you can mask the area you’re working on and the script will make new pre-comps, cropped to the mask size. Using these pre-comps as the source for your effects work will be faster, and give you longer RAM previews.
- Masks to Cropped Layers II now allows you to calculate mask sizes using either basic rectangles (fast) or bezier paths (slower but pixel-accurate).
- You can calculate the mask size from a single frame, the composition work area, or the layer’s duration.
- If no masks are selected, then all masks on the layer are used. If you manually select some masks, then only they are used to create new layers.
- The script panel includes two buttons to quickly select all open, or all closed masks.
- New layers can have their size padded out, and position values can be rounded to integers for sharper results.