什么是 Faceit?
Faceit 是一款集面部绑定、动作捕捉和动画于一体的附加组件。直观、半自动和非破坏性的工作流程可指导您创建完全适合 3D 模型拓扑和形态的面部形状关键点,无论是逼真的人类、拟人化还是卡通模型。您可以保持完全的艺术控制,同时节省大量的时间和精力。
借助 Faceit,您可以在几分钟内为高质量动画准备好角色模型!
What is Faceit?
Faceit is an all-in-one facial rigging, motion capture and animation Add-on. An intuitive, semi-automatic and non-destructive workflow guides you through the creation of facial shape keys that are perfectly adapted to your 3D model’s topology and morphology, whether it’s a photorealistic human, anthropomorphic or cartoon model. You maintain full artistic control while saving a ton of time and energy.
If you have any questions, feedback or requests, I am happy to hear it! Check out the links below for news, updates, detailed footage and workflow instructions:
With Faceit you can ready your character model for high quality Animation in minutes!
- 半自动面部索具
- 自动精确称重
- 预设的自动面部表情(基于 FACS 等)
- 自定义表达式和自定义预设
- ARKit 和 Audio2Face 的动作捕捉导入器
- 用于 ARKit 动作捕捉和关键帧动画的灵活形状键控制装置
- 形状键重定向
- 形状键实用程序
- 将 Faceit Rigify Armature 连接至任何 Body Rig
- 完全无损的工作流程
- 还有很多..