RizomUV 2024,是目前CG软件中比较优秀的展UV软件,凭借其爆破性快速UV展开功能而闻名,新版本更新添加了新的Photoshop样式功能,用于对齐和分布UV板块,自动保存系统以及对选择和纹理像素密度管理工作流程的改进。
Virtual Spaces(VS)虚拟空间具有为在游戏,VR,VFX,动画,摄影测量或静止图像中工作的艺术家设计的功能。
Real Spaces(RS)具有Virtual Spaces版本的所有功能,为使用CAD数据的用户添加了工具。RS是为产品设计设计的,并且在未归一化的UV空间中工作,同时尊重原始模型的尺寸。
New Photoshop-style features for aligning and distributing UV tiles, an autosave system, and improvements to selection and texture density management workflows.
The software is still available in two versions
Virtual Spaces (VS) has features designed for artists working in games, VR, VFX, animation, photogrammetry, or stills.
Real Spaces (RS) has all the features of the Virtual Spaces version, with added tools for those working with CAD data. RS is designed for product design and works in an unnormalized UV space while respecting the dimensions of the original model.