FORESTER有4个模块,Forester Trees,一个先进的树木生成器,MultiFlora,一个先进的植物/草生成器,MultiCloner,一个先进的分散/分布工具,和Forester Rock,一个高细节的岩石生成器。
Forester Expansion Pack 1 for Cinema 4D是Forester的专业树木库,包含51种独特的树种。每棵树都有3种不同的表现形式,即Adult,Young和LowPoly。该包是Forester的一个功能丰富的附加组件,提供了基本Forester包中以前没有的功能,如渲染引擎特定的材质创建,以及季节选择等。
FORESTER EXPANSION PACK 1 FOR CINEMA 4D是Forester的专业树木库,由51种独特的树种组成。每棵树都有3种不同的表现形式,即Adult,Young和LowPoly。该包是Forester的一个功能丰富的附加组件,提供了基本Forester包中以前没有的功能,如渲染引擎特定的材质创建,以及季节选择等。
FORESTER EXPANSION PACK 2 FOR CINEMA 4D由51种独特的植物组成。该包是Forester不可或缺的附加组件,提供了工作流增强功能,例如渲染引擎特定的材质创建。
Forester is a new 3D technology for creating natural elements such as trees, plants, grass and rocks, and scattering them over terrain. Forester elements are completely animatable with our proprietary HyperWind® technology to deliver hyper-realistic wind animation effects with absolutely minimal effort.
FORESTER ships with 4 modules, Forester Trees, an advanced tree generator, MultiFlora, an advanced plant/grass generator, MultiCloner, an advanced scattering/distribution tool, and Forester Rock, a high detail rock generator.
Forester Expansion Pack 1 for Cinema 4D is a professional tree library for Forester consisting of 51 unique tree species. Each tree comes in 3 different representations, namely Adult, Young and LowPoly. The pack is a feature rich add-on to Forester, offering capabilities not previously available in the basic Forester package, like render engine specific material creation, as well as season selection and more.
FORESTER EXPANSION PACK 1 FOR CINEMA 4D is a professional tree library for Forester consisting of 51 unique tree species. Each tree comes in 3 different representations, namely Adult, Young and LowPoly. The pack is a feature rich add-on to Forester, offering capabilities not previously available in the basic Forester package, like render engine specific material creation, as well as season selection and more.
FORESTER EXPANSION PACK 2 FOR CINEMA 4D consisting of 51 unique plant species. The pack is an indispensable add-on to Forester, offering workflow enhancement capabilities such as render engine specific material creation.