After Effects 和 Premiere Pro 的 MultiScreen 过渡是创建酷炫、时尚且快速吸引人的视频所需的一切。创建令人惊叹的特别活动、街头视频、幻灯片、广告、促销、徽标开场白、预告片、促销视频、时尚视频、婚礼、音乐视频、youtube 视频、体育视频等。快速的多屏幕效果将为任何视频演示添加节奏,而无需额外的软件或插件。只需将您喜欢的过渡放在素材上,您就可以开始了!
MultiScreen transitions for After Effects and Premiere Pro is everything you need to create cool, stylish and fast appealing videos. Create amazing special event, street videos, slideshows, commercials, promos, logo openers, teasers, promo videos, fashion videos, wedding, music videos, youtube videos, sport videos etc. A quick Multi-Screen effect will add rhythm to any video presentation without the need for additional software or plugins. Just place the transition you like on top of your footage and you are ready to go!